Dear Neighbour With The Earth Shattering Stereo, If you must cause the foundation of my house to shake, I’m down with that. I love all kinds of music, and have been known to shake a few foundations myself. However, would you please do us all a favour and play complete songs instead of changing them …
Month: March 2018
And I Eat With That Thing!
Dear Mouth, In the future, please let Brain catch-up, and assess your comments before you make them. Thanks! Love, Bakker
Sorry!… I just couldn’t help myself!
Dear Random Stranger That Parked His Identical Mini-van Next To Mine, Your remote key-fob wasn’t really controlling both of our vehicles at the same time, I was standing a few cars over with my remote pushing the same buttons as you were pushing on yours. I have to tell you, it was the most fun …
You Did It For Spiderman!
Dear Elusive Spider In My House, If you must keep biting me, can you at least pass some Spider Super Powers on to me please? Thanks! Love, Bakker

I went for a drive down to the Toronto Waterfront with BAEgelAndCheese the other day, it is beautiful as ever… but it sure is getting crowded! I must say though, for 184 years old, Toronto sure is looking good!