Dear Captain Sir Thomas Moore, You are a hero, a role model, and a gentleman. Thank you sir, the world needs more people like you. Love, Bakker

Letters from the Bake
Dear Captain Sir Thomas Moore, You are a hero, a role model, and a gentleman. Thank you sir, the world needs more people like you. Love, Bakker
Our Shi-tzu Peaty always smiles when he is about to eat a chip. I have no idea why he does this, but I find it hilarious!
I believe that EVERYBODY deserves a Happy Thanksgiving…even the Parking Ticket Writer Folks. I get a ticket on my truck every holiday Monday, so this Thanksgiving, I left a friendly note; Dear Parking Enforcement Officer, I am sure that you will come by and give me a ticket on the Holiday Monday, and I just …
In an unfortunate coincidence, I dressed to match my lawnmower today. I think that my neighbours are laughing at me.
Dear Sheila Weekes’ Boss, Please excuse Sheila from work today. She is needed to make the world a Better Place by celebrating my birthday. This requires her to skip the gym, eat some junk food, do something she enjoys, and hug someone she loves. Unfortunately none of these activities are compatible with a day at …
Dear Gary Taylor, Thank-you for beating cancer. It had no business messing with you in the first place, I can’t imagine what it was thinking. The world needs more people like you. I’m sure that your story will give others the strength to fight cancer, and kick it’s a$$ too, because you are proof that …
Dear Self, Although it is noble of you to try and diffuse a potential road-rage situation with your charm and wittiness, it is not at all helpful to refer to the Parcel-Delivery Driver involved as “The King Of Queens”. It should be of no surprise to you that said driver went absolutely bananas afterward. Not …
Dear Lady At The Bell Canada Call Centre, I am so sorry that I made you cry on the phone. I was only trying to explain the ongoing issue that I have had with billing over the past four years, and I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I know that it is not your …
Dear Guy With The Four Billion Kilowatt Headlamps, You sure are a great driver. I am surprised that its okay for the rest of us to share the roadway with you. I’m not sure where you were going, but it sure must be important. We would all have happily gotten out of your way, but …
I thought about my Take Time post the other day, and II agree with me; I should take some time, and so, I am heading East with The Bakkery. Our first stop is Kingston ON to see Andrew Floyd Jr. compete in the Canada Cup Football Championship as Captain for Team Nova Scotia.