Misty Cornell

I have a friend named Misty. I haven’t seen her in-person for a couple of years, but she has left such a positive impression on me, that I often think of her, and when I see her posts online, I always smile. You see, Misty is one of the most positive people that you could ever hope to meet; she always has a smile and a kind word for others, and has the gift of being able to see the positive side of every situation. In fact, if someone was errant enough to give Misty “the finger” she would probably compliment them on their manicure before telling them off good! Misty is clever, and talented. She does some voice work on the radio, and can put on a “smoky voice” that could melt butter.

In short, Misty is just wonderful, and deserves to be recognised for it!

God bless you Misty Cornell, you make the world a better place! To use your words; YOU are Misty-riffic indeed!

Shi-tzu flat on her back with her paws in the air

Our Dog The Sloth

I heard snoring coming from a bedroom the other day, unusal because everybody in our house was awake in the living room. I went to investigate, and caught this member of our Muttley Crew lazily napping the other day…flat on her back with her paws (arms?) straight up in the air… Is this normal for a dog to do? Pretty sure she is at least part sloth… but we still love her!


Sometimes I Just Can’t Help Myself

Dear Store Security,

I’m sorry that I imitated your Shoplifter Alarm so well. I didn’t mean to cause such a commotion. By the way, you are pretty agile for a fellow your size. Did you ever consider a career in Track and Field? I think you would do quite well.


Let It Play… Let It Play… LET IT PLAY!!!

Dear Neighbour With The Earth Shattering Stereo,

If you must cause the foundation of my house to shake, I’m down with that. I love all kinds of music, and have been known to shake a few foundations myself. However, would you please do us all a favour and play complete songs instead of changing them halfway through? What are you guys playing over there anyway…sampler CD’s?
